Live at Your Edge
What if you could uncover what's hidden in your unconscious mind? What if you could unlock more of your human potential? Join Ashley and Lauren to learn how to use emotions as a guide to access what's hidden in the unconscious and unlock your most fulfilling life yet. If you're interested in understanding yourself better, learning about your emotions, or expanding into more of your potential - you're in the right place! Ashley and Lauren are teachers and pioneers in using emotional information to guide personal healing, growth, and evolution.
Live at Your Edge
Navigate the Road to Healing
Ashley and Lauren discuss common defenses that may come up during healing, and the process of reclaiming parts of yourself that were discarded in childhood. Tune in to learn about defenses to look out for, why attachment trauma is at the root of so many wounds, why shame is likely to come up during healing, and a powerful tool for moving difficult emotions.
In this episode
- Defenses that often come up during healing (3:49)
- What anxiety and depression are often really about (6:07)
- Why attachment trauma is at the root of so many wounds (8:25)
- What happens when we reorient our lives towards healing (17:47)
- Why deep emotional healing tends to get easier and easier (20:28)
- How to reclaim cast off parts of ourselves (21:51)
- Why shame is likely to come up during healing (23:29)
- How Havening Technique works to move difficult emotions (27:51)
Brene Brown
Brene Brown's Ted Talk: Listening to Shame
Interview with Brene Brown:
Havening Technique:
We'd love to hear from you! Send your comments and questions to: ashley@liveatyouredge.com