Live at Your Edge
What if you could uncover what's hidden in your unconscious mind? What if you could unlock more of your human potential? Join Ashley and Lauren to learn how to use emotions as a guide to access what's hidden in the unconscious and unlock your most fulfilling life yet. If you're interested in understanding yourself better, learning about your emotions, or expanding into more of your potential - you're in the right place! Ashley and Lauren are teachers and pioneers in using emotional information to guide personal healing, growth, and evolution.
Live at Your Edge
Wired for the Sacred
In this first episode of Season 2, Ashley discusses the idea that human beings are innately wired to connect with the sacred, universal energies that make up the unseen realms. Join Ashley to understand why sacred experiences don’t have to be spiritual or religious in nature, but in fact can be the most basic, essential experience of being intensely present in a human body – and why this can be so critical for our well-being.
- Is it possible that human bodies are wired for connection with the Sacred? (1:16)
- Why a sacred experience is as basic as being intensely present in your own body (2:39)
- How allowing daily experiences of the Sacred can transform a life (4:46)
- Sacred experiences will look different for everyone (7:57)
- Why our culture is disillusioned with spiritual life (9:07)
- Reflective questions (14:32)
- Thoughts for the New Year (17:15)
We'd love to hear from you! Send your comments and questions to: ashley@liveatyouredge.com